Friday, 26 October 2012

More YWP pictures!!

                                                      Can you spot the tiger?

Hi everyone and sorry about the delay in showing more pictures of our great day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Treasure Hunt


We have got 100 class reward points.We are going to have a treasure hunt on Friday!

From Y3

Friday, 5 October 2012

Extra challenges!!!

Hi class!

If you want to sharpen your times tables and adding skills, here are a few great games to keep you busy!

Finally, here is the link to the brilliant national geographic kids website for extra reading and finding amazing facts!


Mr Malcolm

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Greetings everyone! Thank you for coming to have a look at our brilliant blog!
On Thursday we had one of those days we will always remember because we went to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park! The weather was superb, the lions and tigers were luckily awake and we were all amazed and fascinated by this informative and exciting place. Here are some snaps of our great day!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Important Blog Information

Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all of your lovely comments on our blogs.

If you wish to comment on our blogs please can use initials only for your login, or use an unidentifiable name.

Google might automatically try to post your full name on the blogs and we are sorry but it is our policy not to publish these comments.

To change that please go here or and change your display name to something unidentifiable.  (So Mr Murphy becomes MM or Liverpoolteacher)

Sorry for asking you to do this, but it is very important to the security of our blogs.
Thankyou for your help, and please, keep commenting!


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Welcome All!

Hello the BFGs and everyone else!

Welcome to the Year 3 blog. I am really excited to hear from everyone about our class and to share our brilliant work!

Best wishes,

Mr Malcolm

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

This will be the blog for Walkley's Year 3 Class.

They are the BFGs!