Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Super hero spelling!

Hello, this is the BFGs at Walkley primary School!!

First of all, we have got this new game for spelling. Have a go!

It is very fun!

Next, at school we are writing our own superhero stories and are going to have a superhero dress up day soon. Please have a look for old material to make costumes.

We hope you have fun on the games and thank you for reading the blog message.

All the best,

From the BFGs

Monday, 21 January 2013

Science and Maths!!

Greetings everyone!

To sharpen and perfect your knowledge of times tables, here is a brilliant game all the BFGs know! Try and not lose any lives!

Furthermore, here is a brilliant game to learn the major bones in human's and other animal's skeletons. Good luck Y3 scientists!

Best wishes on this snowy day,

Mr Malcolm

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Super Heroes

Happy New year to everyone!

This term we are looking at super heroes in our writing, maths and science!.

Here are a couple of links to some great activities.

The first is from the UK government website British Council which has loads of great games and activities

The other is a comic hero maker!

Good luck!

Mr Malcolm