Monday 25 November 2013


In history we are looking at the Roman empire.

Below is a brilliant activity which tests our archaeological skills!!

Enjoy and get digging!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Punctuation and Money games!!

Good evening all!!

Here are two games we have really enjoyed recently.

The first is the Trapped punctuation game! Remember to add full stops and commas!!

The second, is a fun money game where you need to work out which coins to use to buy things!!

Enjoy and have fun!!

From Mr Malcolm

Sunday 17 November 2013

Robot dancing!!!!

Hello all!!

Soon the school is hoping to start a computing coding club.

For now, here is a brilliant coding game where you can control how a robot dances by editing a code.

Enjoy and get your robot to really boogie!!!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Walkley Playground Project

Parents! If you have a free half hour or so on Friday morning, or you're already joining us for the Golden Book assembly, please stay for a short presentation and discussion about our Walkley School Playground Project. 

Our outside provision for play is in real need of improvement and there are exciting plans underway to begin to transform the playground areas around the school. 

But ( there's always a but...), we need your ideas, inspiration, support and fundraising efforts.

 Mrs Hansbury and Mrs Jinkinson will be very happy for you to come along THIS FRIDAY 8TH NOVEMBER at 9.30am

All will be explained!

Clock games!!

Hello world!

This is Y3 speaking!

We have been learning about Time in Maths this week.

Here is a Big Ben game for you to enjoy!

Also here is an Apple clock game to have fun with too!!